Veterans Park Ribbon Cutting

Crossett Veterans Park 1140 Parkway Drive, Crossett, Arkansas

Join us as we celebrate our new Veterans Park. The Ceremony will be at 10am on Nov. 11 at the Veterans Park on Parkway.

Crossett Toy Run

Attwoods 1308 Main Street, Crossett, Ar, AR, United States

See image below for more details on the annual toy run that takes place in Crossett. This year's run is Nov. 16th. Registration starts at 11:30 am at Attwood's Parking Lot. Bring a toy or $10 donation to participate.

Christmas on Pine (and around the corner)

Pine Street 100 Pine Street, Crossett, Ar, AR, United States

Christmas on Pine is a shopping event in downtown Crossett on "Pine Street and Around the Corner" each year. The event will take place on November 26th. More details will be announced at a later time.

CMS Powder Puff Football Game

Yarborough Field 301 West 9th Ave, Crossett, AR, United States

CMS Powder Puff Football Game - Monday, December 16th at 6:00 p.m. at Yarborough Field (2 games - 5th gr. vs 6th gr./7th gr. vs 8th gr.)

Crossett Elementary 4th grade musical

Crossett High School 301 West 9th, Crossett, Arkansas

Come enjoy a muscial perforamance by our Crossett Elementary Students on Dec. 5th at  6pm at the Crossett High School Auditorium.

Eagles and Lady Eagles Basketball

Crossett High School 301 West 9th, Crossett, Arkansas

Lady Eagles vs. Dermott in the CHS arena at 6pm CHS Eagles vs. Dermott in the CHS arena at 7pm.

Christmas Parade

On Main Street in downtown Crossett at 6pm.

Photos with Santa

Photos with Santa will be offered as a part of the Christmas in Crossett Celebration.

Christmas in Crossett

Main Street 100 Main Street, Crossett, Ar, AR, United States

A shopping and community event on the streets of Crossett. Come to the first and second blocks of Main St. and Pine St. on Dec. 7th from Noon-5pm. There will be vendors, photos with Santa, a petting zoo, food trucks, bouncy houses, wagon rides, and more.